Architect: Zecc Architecten Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands Project Architects: Rolf Bruggink, Marnix van der Meer Collaborators: René de Korte, Marc Brummelhuis, Thijs Toxopeus Project area: 250 sqm Project year: 2006-2007 Photographs: Cornbread Works
The balcony at the organ is maintained and extended in the shape of a organizing element, free in the space. This element defines the different living spaces, like living, cooking and studying, in the chapel.
A new spatial hierarchy is created by the asymmetric placing of the organizing element. The object is kept very minimalistic and is given abstract shapes, by which it creates an contrast with the original, soft shapes of the chapel.
Despite of their contribution to the dark character of the church, the leaded glass is maintained. For this reason roof light are attached to the space, through which diffused day light enters the chapel. In combination with a completely white surface finishes, the leaded glass comes to life.

Specific, characterizing elements, like relics, are maintained and used, by which a nice field of tension comes into existence between the old and new function of the chapel.
Because of the lack of windows on eye level in the chapel, the church made a closed impression. There had to be made contact with the city. By introducing an new, somewhat bold, abstract modern version of a leaded glass front framing, this contact is created.

The glass front is almost Mondriaan-like, and contains references to the original leaded glass, that tells a religious story in a more aesthetic way.